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What is Clickbank Gravity Score and why it matters

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If you’re an online marketer, then you’ve probably heard of ClickBank. It’s one of the largest digital marketplaces in the world, and it’s a great place to find products to promote. But did you know that ClickBank also has a metric called “gravity score” that can help you determine whether or not a product is worth promoting? In this blog post, we’ll discuss what gravity score is, and we’ll explain why it matters. Stay tuned!

What is Gravity Score

The gravity of a ClickBank product is determined by how many sales have been made through affiliates. One sale equaling one point, which can be used as an indication for market popularity and demand in the economy at large

This means that the higher your ClickBank gravity score, the more likely it is people will buy from you.
The logic seems sound enough- after all anyone with something worth selling wants as many potential buyers possible!

Don’t even think about advertising high gravity scores. They are not worth the effort for a newbie affiliate marketer like yourself, and they will only bring you more competition in an already saturated industry.

Other factors that influence a Gravity Score

  • When a merchant lowers the price of his product, his gravity can rise.
  • The gravity of a vendor can rise when he produces a new product and encourages his affiliates to market it.
  • When affiliates start promoting a similar product, the original product’s gravity can drop, among other things.
  • There are several other metrics that can influence the gravity score but honestly no one knows exactly. As I believe Clickbank hides this information in a hidden vault.

How to sort using Gravity Score

Once you sign in to Clickbank go to the Marketplace section which is found at the top of the front page. On the left you have your categories which you can browse. If you have a niche or product in mind type this in the ‘Find Products’ area. I typed ‘woodworking’ and this is what came up.

what is clickbank gravity

From here you can sort by Gravity by clicking the drop down where it says ‘Sort results by’ and select Gravity. This will display the products with the highest Gravity to the lowest. This will give you an idea which products are popular and not so popular.

What is the Perfect ClickBank Gravity?

If you’re looking for a product’s gravity ranking on Clickbank, then it might be worth considering what this actually means. We’ve already established that choosing products with high-enough gravity rankings isn’t always ideal—so how do we find our perfect level of gravity?! The answer: Keep things balanced and look for something that is not too high and not too low in your chosen niche. For example if your niche is woodworking. Firstly check the lowest and highest gravity of this product. If you find the lowest is 20 and highest is 100. Then settle on a gravity score somewhere in that range. You won’t be competing with experienced affiliates in general terms, and you wont be wasting time with untested or unpopular products with a very low gravity score.

Hint: When selecting a product don’t place too much emphasis on the gravity. Make sure you have some interest in the product you a going to spend time and money promoting. It’s always easier to create content about something you know about. Once you become experienced in affiliate marketing this is less important.


In this blog post, we’ve discussed what gravity score is and why it matters. What are some strategies you have for promoting products online?

In short the higher the gravity the higher competition for affiliates

We’ve seen that there are a number of factors to keep in mind when determining which products you want to promote. This includes gravity score and whether or not the product has been recently updated with better features, higher quality images, and more reviews. The key is understanding how your audience thinks so you can tailor your marketing strategy for maximum success!

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