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6 steps to promote your blog on Instagram

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When it comes to social media marketing, there’s no end of resources out there. But here at the ‘Guides for Marketers’ we’re all about trying new things and seeing what works best for us! So in this post I’ll share with you my secrets on how to use Instagram as a great tool to promote your blog?

We all know that social media is a powerful tool for any business. You can engage with customers, find new ones and promote your brand to the right people through Facebook posts, Twitter tweets or even Pinterest pins. But when it comes down to getting loyal fans and readers – nothing beats Instagram! It’s not just about hashtags (#unicorns) anymore but rather what you post in terms of content (good quality photos), how often you share them on an everyday basis as well as interactivity between followers who comment on every single photo they see.

You can create a community around your brand and industry by using Instagram. This platform provides you with the opportunity to connect with readers in an innovative way, while also allowing for more engagement than other channels would allow.

Instagram is perfect as it gives us access to large communities of people who are interested in our content but couldn’t be reached on any other social media site!

Let’s take a look at what Instagram brings to the table.

Instagram can be used as both a personal and business platform. Some may do better with one or the other, but it is important to know that Instagram has different features than say Facebook and Twitter. When creating content for your posts on an account set up for business purposes. You should focus more specifically on what will benefit those using their products/services versus just posting photos of things like food, clothing trends etc., which people might find boring -unless they’re in need of a new pair of shoes! Be consistent and use appropriate hashtags.

6 Instagram posting tips to explode your readership

Let’s take a closer look at each tip.

1. Streamline your blog promotion

The first step is to ask, “Why do I want my Instagram account to grow?” Is it a numbers thing? Do you want to make more money through followers and likes on your posts? Or just build up an audience to promote your brand to people from all over the world? When you’re clear on what success looks like, then making content will be easier.

Don’t let your Instagram account go stagnant, keep posting in order to grow and show off all of the great pictures you take. The more active posts that are on an account will automatically be shown to a wider audience!

The first thing you need to do is decide what your ideal reader needs and provide them with posts that will be most engaging for them.

The best way to find out what’s popular is by asking your audience. You should also follow other people in the niche who have already built a following on Instagram, and get inspired from their content strategy. Don’t copy them exactly but learn their strategies so you can emulate it into your own business!

Once you have established the type of posts that your audience likes then it’s a matter of posting consistently. Using a scheduling tool will help you post on a consistent basis such as Hootsuite or Tailwind.

2. Add your link in the BIO 

Instagram is a powerful platform for blogging. It can be easy to get lost in it and forget that the point of your Instagram feed should be directing readers back to your blog via links or tags, which you need them as followers on social media platforms like Facebook!

Place your link in the bio

This is the only place you can add a clickable link. Here you will enter you blog link or any other link such as a blog post.

You can use stories for people to get to know you, but the most important thing that you do in your story is give free information and a ton of value. Point them towards blog posts on your website with valuable content they could find there.

3. Each post must target your audience

When you post on Instagram, make sure what you are posting is relevant to your followers. Your content should solve the problem of your followers and this can be achieved by asking them directly. This will help you promote your blog on Instagram. Posting in a story-like way will also help because people like connecting with stories too!

To summarize: when growing an Instagram account, remember consistency while making relevancy one of the most important aspects; ask followers via surveys their preferences which allows posts that speak more personally towards individual needs.

4. Hashtags are powerful

You should always use hashtags on Instagram because they help people find you and want to follow your account. This is key to promote your blog on Instagram.

There are a few things that make them so useful. First, if someone is browsing through certain keywords then these tags will also show up in their feed. Second, by using relevant hashtags as opposed to popular ones which may have nothing at all to do with the post itself can ensure that what comes across other users’ feeds match one’s content more closely. Leading potentially higher engagement rates for posts! Remember that there is a limit of 30 hashtags per post.

5. Network for better results

One of my best tips would be to spend more time on Instagram. Since this rewards me by showing my posts in other people’s feeds as well! Here are some ways I’ve found work really well: follow bloggers whose content reminds me of things I like or post about topics which interest me; like their photos; comment positively when possible (e.g., “I love how bright these colors look!”); share their posts if appropriate (“Here’s a photo taken at one of our favorite places”)—without expecting anything in return.

My advice for you is to be genuine. Don’t do it because you want something from them, but because they have great content that resonates with your values and interests. They will probably return the favor too!

6. Stand out from the crowd.

Instagram has 1 billion users. That means a whole lot of competition! Don’t despair it also means you have the potential to get in front of a whole bunch people though, so take advantage while you can – and try not to let your competitors bring you down as they rise up too.

Self-promotion on Instagram is difficult because just about everyone seems like an expert these days. It’s hard for anyone else other than yourself to know what makes YOU special from all the rest. Which is where this article comes into play. We’re here with some tips on how best make use of every inch available to you. Take advantage of your strengths and show them off! If you’re a good writer, create engaging stories. And if you know how to shoot really great photographs, do it for all those Instagram followers out there – they’ll love seeing the behind-the-scenes photos too!

Final Thoughts

By following the tips above you can tap into a mass of potential clients and readers which can help you promote your blog on Instagram big time. brand. Instagram is definitely one social media platform that is worth your time. Some people use Instagram as their sole social platform and get enough exposure to propel their blog. So start today by setting up an account and begin promoting your business.

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